“TECHNIP SOLAR (PVT) LIMITED operating under an experienced management in the field of Solar Electricity for over 24 years, is a subsidiary of TECHNIP GROUP OF COMPANIES which has been in the business field for more than 75 years with ISO 9001 2008 certificate and Surya Sinha award. TECHNIP SOLAR (PVT) LIMITED having its registered office and factory complex at No.71/D, Avissawella Road, Welivita, Kaduwela. It is a company which operates two branch offices at Rajagiriya and Dambulla. In addition the Company also maintains an Island wide dealer and Sales Agent network. The present management team comprises of well experienced and qualified staff which has served the Solar Power electrical field by successfully completing over 10,000 rural home and street lights at present working with the Government’s “SOORYABALA SANGRAMAYA” project.
We guarantee that our company will provide our customers with latest quality products produced in the world at present and with the best warranty offered in Sri Lanka.
Also will give
To inspect samples physically of the products before installation
In addition, our company shall install systems using products specified by the Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy” Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, Ceylon Electricity Board and Lanka Electric Company (LECO), and will submit quality certificates of the products installed to the above Institutions and the same will be given to the customer which will assure the customer of the quality.
There is an agreement between customer and CEB/LECO which binds both parties of supply of electricity continuously for 20 years and the Government has given assurance to uphold that agreement until the lapse of the said period.
1000w & 1kWh & solar power panel installed by our company will generate approximately 110 to 120 units per month. Monthly units generated should be calculated by getting the average units generated per annum.
Things to do to get the above mentioned number of units.
1. To select/purchase suitable Solar panels and other equipment which
is capable of generating the required units.
2. Since the power generated depends mainly on the quality of the Solar panels, especially reduction in the number of units produced within a short period of time, you should be aware of the companies and their products.
3. The customers should take care to see that the solar panels get continuous sunlight (not covered)
4. The customer should follow the instructions and advice given by our company officials.
By doing the above the objectives of the customer, company and the Government can be fulfilled.
If the power generated by the panel fixed on the roof is less than the customer’s consumption pay the charges for the deficit only to the CEB/LECO. But, if the generated power is in excess than the consumption, additional units could be carried forward so that it could be covered for a period where the generation is less.
If the power generated by the panel fixed on the roof is more than the customer’s consumption CEB/LECO shall pay the customer for the additional units. But, If the power generated by the panel fixed on the roof is less than the customer’s consumption, customer shall pay the CEB/LECO for the deficit.
The customer can sell the total generated power to the CEB/LECO and CEB/LECO shall pay the customer for generated units. But the customer has to pay the bills as it is done at present.
Details of the products used in the system and the warranty periods are given in the following table
Items | Brand Name | Country of Origin | Warranty Period |
Solar Panel | REC / Q CELLS / RENE / YINKO | SINGAPORE / CHINA / CHINA / CHINA | 25 Years / 25 Years / 25 Years |
String inverter | FRONIUS / KACO / K STAR / SOLAX | AUSTRIA / Germany / CHINA /CHINA | 10 Years / 10 Years / 10 Years |
All system installations by our company will be completed by well trained technicians under strict supervision of the experienced Management and after completion will be certified by a charted Electrical Engineer. (03 Years free after sales service)
Rare occurrence of any breakdowns could be reported to the company through our hot line No. 011 555 9 222 / 076 243 0440 / 076 342 0440 and any repair or replacements if necessary will be done within 72 hours of such notification. After sales services shall be done on a regular basis.
Our Completed Projects